By admin | 2019-07-31 | clicks 1089


        — ART INSIDE STUDIO|艺术里工作室学生作品展 

               Polaris Gallery






作为一群来自不同年龄的绘画艺术爱好者,他们其中有些是刚刚接触画画的小不点,有些是正要步入艺术设计专业学府的学生,有些是单纯的艺术爱好者。这样一群热爱画画的人们,他们还不是画家,不是大师,却称得上是在真诚描绘各自作品面前的艺术家。他们画面上每一笔色彩每一道笔触每一个细节都是在专注的目光下完成,出来的作品根据各自学画的历程- 或是青涩,或是童真,有的歪歪扭扭,有的初现熟练专业,而这些作品都有共同的一个特点,便是真诚。


本次展览 ,由Polaris Gallery提供专业的画廊场地,无偿地给予这群怀抱艺术梦想的学员们一个展示作品的空间,打开了一次别开生面的与观众新的对话方式。学生们的作品犹如田间的郁郁葱葱的苗儿,它们在不同的领域接收养分,在老师的培育和盼望中成长,在画廊这片田野上收获一个阶段的成果!艺术里工作室希望你们将来的艺术成果像是沉甸甸的稻谷,有着一轮接一轮的丰收。感谢你们对艺术的热爱,感谢Polaris画廊对小小艺术家们梦想的支持,期待展览,期待您莅临!




开幕酒会:4-6 pm, 30 Jun 2019

展览时间:30 Jun - 7 Jul 2019

展览地点:6/7 Yarra Street, South Yarra


        — ART INSIDE STUDIO Student Show

               Polaris Gallery Public Exhibition


Our most common understanding of a painting is an image converted from what we see, what we think and how we feel in life along with our appreciation of aesthetics. Besides generating perception of such aesthetics, painting can also enlighten our thinking, seduce our inner reflection, touch our emotion and evoke our memory...Painting is a way of thinking. It has its language and expressions. It carries with it the ultimate insight of every painter.

People study painting perhaps for mastering a skill, for enhancing ones aesthetic appreciation and for any other possibilities that painting can bring. No matter what drives people to start painting, we believe painting can essentially render our dialogue with an artwork, with ourselves and with the outer world that is surrounding us.

This exhibition presents to you a number of soul-touching artworks done by a group of art/painting participants from a variety of different ages. Some of these exhibitors are little juniors who just started their journey in painting; some of them are students who are waiting to step into their art/design degree; the rest are people who are just in love with art. They might not be called painting mastersyet, but they are undoubtedly artists who are absolutely passionate and genuine when depicting their artworks. For every stroke they render, they are giving their dedication to details and colours in order to accomplish their paintings from what they have experienced. These paintings might be immature, childish, distorted or somewhat skilful. Regardless of what forms they are presented with, they all share a common characteristic of being truly genuine.

We are honoured to present this exhibition “Seeded here in Polaris Gallery. We appreciate the generosity of the gallery for providing a professional and exiting space to our passionate students. It kindly opens up unique and interesting dialogues between these artists and the audiences. Let these student artists be exuberant seedlings, absorbing nutrient from everywhere they can reach, growing with cultivation and love, and harvesting in this space as their field.

Thanks for your passion for art. Thanks for your support to these little artists. We look forward to meeting you in the show!


Opening4-6 pm, 30 Jun 2019

Exhibition Dates30 Jun - 7 Jul 2019

Gallery Address6/7 Yarra Street, South Yarra